The 5th GENERATION INTERNET (5G) is a mobile network standard that is the successor to the 4G standard. The technology has to meet strict requirements for performance and applications. The most important of them are: throughput up to 20 Gbps in the link to the terminal (download), throughput up to 10 Gbps in the link to the network (upload), delays on the level of 4 ms for eMBB applications and 1 ms for URLLC applications, spectral efficiency up to 30 bit/s/Hz and error level for URLLC applications on the level of 10-5.
The 5th GENERATION INTERNET provides numerous benefits to end users. The 5G network is stable, reliable and above all, much faster than its predecessor 4G - both in terms of data transfer and response time. In addition, it can support a larger number of devices, ensuring a smooth Internet experience despite the connection of many gadgets. It also promotes efficient operation of smart home systems, which are slowly becoming a standard in modern construction.